How to access your free Little Van Gogh Membership
Use your company coupon to gain access to free art classes, recordings and creative tips
Enter your details, including your name, employer's company name and address
(Please note you will not be asked to enter any payment details)

Create a password for your account

Click the 'Have a Coupon?' Button
(Note: once you have entered you company coupon code, the price will reduce to £0 and you will not be asked to enter card details)

Enter your coupon code and hit 'enter'
The price will reduce to £0
All payment card fields will disappear (do not enter your card details)
Tick 'Sign Up for Class Notifications' if you would like to receive updates on new classes
Please select 'Business' as consumer type
Click 'Sign Up'

This Thank You message will appear after you have signed up
Click 'Account Page' to access your new account

To find the Members Area, make sure the 'My Classes' tab is selected
Find your new membership - Little Van Gogh Membership
And click on View and Register